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当前位置:汽车江湖网 > 威霆(进口) > 奔驰V260OL商务车最低价格多少钱


名称:本公司主做平行进进口汽车,主做品牌有奔驰,宝马,路虎,丰田,保时捷,宾利,玛莎拉蒂,英菲尼迪,雷克萨斯 更多>>





天津盛瀛鸿诺国际贸易有限公司滨海店 发布时间:2018/11/17 9:07:59 赞同:5974    查看:10121

奔驰V260商务车极具规划感的家族式前脸与中控内饰个性, 同时具有 优越的动力与操控性;埃尔法算是别出心裁吧,蛮横的外观尽管初见时不会觉得跟商务车有多少沾边的地 方,但是属于那种越看越有味道的款,舒服性与空间表现也 不错;大众T6操控性与乘坐舒服性方面也称得上是可圈可点了,即是外观方面稍显欠缺;今天走进我 们视界的这款奔驰V260房车,在奔驰V260底盘的基础架构上匠 心雕刻、博采众长,将科技感与豪华舒服性行及车内每一处细节。Mercedes-Benz V260 Business Vehicle has a very planned family front face and central control interior personality, as well as superior power and maneuverability; Elfa is unique, although the brutal appearance will not feel how much to touch with the Business Vehicle at first sight, but it belongs to the kind of style with more taste, comfort and space。 The performance is also good; Volkswagen T6‘s handling and riding comfort are also remarkable, that is, the appearance is slightly lacking; today, this Mercedes-Benz V260 car entered our horizon, carved on the infrastructure of the Mercedes-Benz V260 chassis, taking advantage of all the advantages, will have a sense of technology and luxury comfort to travel and every part of the car。 Details。(更多详细配置报价请添加下方电话微信号 全国客户分期贷款,因新闻介绍较少加微信更多精彩视频图片等着您了解您所了解不到的商务车房车进口车高端豪华车内部消息)(购车咨询电话:文章结尾处!)

  奔驰V级操控台造型很美,不同配置视觉感没有太大变化。顶部同样都是8.4寸显示屏,多功能方向盘,大面积木纹饰板,蓝牙电话,定速巡航,换挡拨片,全车配备了柏林之声的15扬声器音响系统。使驾驶者操控起来非常舒服,会让很多专职司机爱上这款车。The Mercedes Benz V console has beautiful shape, and the visual sense of different configurations has not changed much。 The top is also an 8.4-inch display screen, multi-function steering wheel, large area wooden decoration board, Bluetooth phone, constant speed cruise, shift dial, the car is equipped with the sound of Berlin 15 speaker sound system。 It‘s very comfortable for drivers to control, so many drivers will fall in love with this car。

  真皮软包座椅提供了8向电动调节,并且加热,通风,腰部支撑,旋转以及记忆功能一应俱全。座椅尺寸,背部填充非常到位。大面积天窗设计,坐在后舱车内就可以看见天空。The leather soft-bag seat provides 8-way electric adjustment, and has all the functions of heating, ventilation, waist support, rotation and memory。 Seat size and back filling are in place。 Large area skylight design, sitting in the back cabin car can see the sky。

  内饰方面,前面和后面采用T型隔断,此隔断为后排乘客腿部预留更多空间,活动自由。并且美观度极高,受到很多BOSS们的喜欢。As for interior decoration, T-shaped partition is used in front and rear, which reserves more space for rear passengers‘legs and allows them to move freely。 And beautiful appearance is very high, many BOSS people like it。

  商务车采用航空级总裁专座,座椅由与内饰同色的柔软真皮包覆,舒适性可见一斑,座椅自带多种人性化功能,例如通风加热,气动按摩堪称功能强大,更具有姿势记忆功能,让座椅自行“记住”你最喜欢的姿势。在忙碌的工作之余,能够有这样的座椅可以让你获取短暂有效的精神支持以及实质的休养生息。Business car uses the presidential seat of aviation grade。 The seat is covered by soft leather with the same color as interior decoration。 The comfort can be seen。 The seat has a variety of humanized functions, such as ventilation and heating, pneumatic massage, which can be called powerful。 It also has the function of posture memory。 It allows the seat to “remember” your favorite posture by itself。 In addition to your busy work, having such a seat can give you short and effective spiritual support and substantial recuperation。

  座椅后排是一张三连坐的沙发,它可以180°放到配合前面可以180°旋转的航空座椅,可以形成一张供两人休息的小沙发床,路途劳累的时候可以有一个舒适的休息空间。The back seat is a three-seated sofa。 It can be placed 180 degrees in front of the airplane seat, which can rotate 180 degrees。 It can form a small sofa bed for two people to rest。 When the road is tired, it can have a comfortable rest space。

  隔断的内饰+布艺窗帘让整车具有极高的私密性,整车红色加白色的内饰及优雅又热情,隔断部分是一个大尺寸的电动升降液晶电视+中央控制系统+影音级的音响系统。第三排座椅电动放平可做沙发床,在较长的路程时可以更好的休息。顶部是电动的全景天窗+嫩黄色的氛围灯。从后往前看整车的空间很大,第二排座椅180度旋转时还可以形成一个四人会议格局。The partition interior + cloth curtain makes the whole car very private。 The red and white interior and elegant and warm。 The partition part is a large-scale electric lift LCD TV + central control system + audio and video audio audio system。 The third row seats can be used as a sofa bed to make a better rest。 The top is an electric panoramic sunroof + bright yellow atmosphere lamp。 Looking back and forth, the whole car has a large space。 When the second row of seats rotates 180 degrees, it can also form a four-person meeting pattern。

  吧台上方采用高清36寸曲面显示屏,画质清晰,立体感强,观影效果非常好。两侧有隐形座椅。全新内饰体现温馨奢华大气,在车内有家一般的感觉。同时配备迎宾踏板,上下车更轻松,更适合老人儿童。后备箱可以存放三到四个行李箱,保证出行方便。也可以成为巨大储物箱,搬运和装载都不在话下。在后备箱区域,长轴距车型优势发挥,后排座椅可以向前滑动,以扩展行李空间。车顶采纳的是LED迈巴赫顶饰气氛灯,光芒柔和,科技感倍儿棒!后排座椅扶手处设有触摸式中控屏,能够操纵车内多媒体影音、8组车内气氛灯、电动窗帘、隔屏、温控体系,图形界面易学好用。High-definition 36-inch curved surface display screen is used above the bar, which has clear picture quality, strong stereo sense and good viewing effect。 Hidden seats on both sides。 The new interior reflects the warm and luxurious atmosphere and has a general feeling in the car。 At the same time, equipped with the welcome pedal, it is easier to get on and off, and is more suitable for the elderly children.The trunk can store three to four suitcases to ensure convenient transportation。 It can also be a huge storage box。 In the reserve area, the advantages of long wheelbase vehicles are brought into full play, and the rear seats can slide forward to expand the luggage space.The roof adopts the LED Maybach top decoration atmosphere lamp, the light is soft, the technology sense is wonderful! Touch-type central control screen is installed at the armrest of the rear seat, which can control the multimedia audio and video in the car, the atmosphere lamp in eight groups of cars, electric curtains, partitions and temperature control system。 The graphical interface is easy to learn and use。

  公司承诺:我不做市场最低价,低了没保障,不做最高价,高了没感情,只挣我们该挣得钱,只交该交的情,认真做事,合作共赢,和我合作不敢保证你花最少的钱,我敢保证让你省最大的心,得到质量,效率,利益,共赢局面,期待每一位新老客户的合作! 用心服务、传递信任! 我愿与您长期合作! 本公司的服务宗旨为诚信为本、顾客至上、 一次合作、 终身为友! 诚信为本、顾客至上、 一次合作、终身为友。

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